Mrs. wityk is hour high school principle she has to deal with a lot of rowdy students but today I had some question for her here's what she had to say.
Question 1: where did you work before Orrick= republican high school.
Question 2: how have you liked working at Orrick so far = she has loved it.
Question 3: if you could change one thing about Orrick what would it be= An unlimited budget
Question 4: how long do you plan to work here until you retire or are you waiting to get a promotion= Until she retires
Question 5: what is your favorite thing about the school= The students.
Question 6: why are we not allowed to where hats in school or hoods=So they can identify student if she or the staff need too.
Question 7: is the job your in hard and why is it hard=Yes because there are a lot of details that she does not want to miss and lots of parts to the job and if she misses one then it can affect the others
Still to this day she has made our school very nice and I'm sure just like me everyone is very thankful for her and everything she does.
