The Salem witch trials were used as a form of punishment for people who were believed to be witches, people who were accused of being witches were often put to different tests to see if they really were witches or not, for example sometimes people who were believed to be witches would be tied up and through in the river, but if they survived they were a witch because that shows magical powers, but if you did not survive then you were probably just a normal person. Most people believed to witches were people who lived away from the village and also people with specific birth marks were believed to be witches. When people were believed to be witches they would oftentimes be burned at the stake or they would be stoned or drowned. Back then people would often be accused of being witches if they were different but more than likely normal people were being killed for no apparent reason. Back in the day people did not like anything that was different so many of these people who were accused of being witches were people who maybe looked different or who maybe even spoke a little different, but thankfully over the years people learned to somewhat accept people and their differences and became more modern and sivilized.
Salem witch trials