by; Leo
When school first started it was huge you got to learn thing and see all of your friends , but now days it just boring. when I was a little kid and my mom told me I got to go play with other kids ad have fun learning all day I was hyped, and then as time went on I started to get bored. Then sports came in and I barded school all day just to go have fun after school and it was a blast the I started to get bored of sports and other activity's. Now to this day I always get bored and the I end up forgetting what happened in class and then a test comes up, and my brain is scrambled and I don't know what to put and I get a bad grade on it and I'm sure a lot of other students can agree with me on that. Then I have that one class where the teacher is super involved and I have fun and understand things better and I start to get better bonds with the teacher. Sadly that's only one of my classes and not all of them cause if it that was all of them then I would be a straight A student. Then I realized that its not school that's boring its how its taught cause we all have that one teacher that we love and we have an A in there class cause we understand it. If the school could have all teachers like that then we would never be bored in school and we would love to come to school, and I'm sure all student can agree on that it would just be more enjoyable for all of us. In reality it how we are taught not really how much we are taught cause we can go over the subject a hundred time and ill remember some of it, not all though because it was just taught not impeded into my brain like if we learn in a fun activity the ill remember that fun activity and what it was about. All of us could be great student some of us already are its just they way were taught.
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