Bloody School Shooting tuesday Nov. 30th 2021
“On Tuesday morning, the parents of a 15-year-old sophomore walked into Oxford High School to meet face to face with school officials who had grown concerned about their son’s classroom behavior.
Just around three hours after that meeting started, according to law enforcement authorities, the student, Ethan Crumbley walked into a school bathroom carrying a backpack and emerged with a handgun. He began firing, killing four students and wounding seven people in the deadliest school shooting this year.”
I don't think this article would be complete without recognizing the brave football star Tate Myre for trying to disarm the suspect but dying in action, his chance to take action will forever be remembered by the kids that made it out the window and into safety while he was distracting the killer. Thoughts and prayers to all the families, but the parents of Mr.Tate should be very proud of there brave young man.
“Ross Wingert, who was Tate's football and wrestling coach, told the Detroit Free Press that the junior ran towards the gunman to try and disarm him."I was told that everybody in that school was running one way, and Tate was running the other way," Wingert told the newspaper.”
Ethan crumbly is being charged with first degree murder, terrorism, and a rap sheet of other fellonies.
Recognising the fallen.
Myre 16, Hana St. Juliana 14 , Madisyn Baldwin17, and Justin Shilling 17.
