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The first JH volleyball game


The first JH volleyball game was on September 13 2021

Q: how did the first game go

A: “The first game was the best thing that could of happened for us for our first game, The match was tough, it was exciting, nail biting, and overall a success”.

Q: how did you thinking is was going to go?

A: “I will be honest with you, knowing that Lawson was a division or two above us, I definitely thought we were just going to have fun and go for the experience. What I didn’t expect was the girls to be so good as a unit!! They helped each other out, they critiqued each other and encouraged each other and it was an amazing sight to see”.

Q: how did it feel when you guys won the first set?

A: “When we won the first set I was ecstatic!! I will admit the girls may have gotten a bit cocky after that and caused us to miss some points to lose the second set, but when the girls won the final set… it was priceless! The energy, the excitement, the unity, just overall a sight to see”.

Q how do you want the rest of the session to go?

A:“I really hope this continues for the girls and they continue to lift each other up and have great success. As long as they are having fun, learning the sport I love, and giving it their all, then I will always be proud of them!”


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