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The What You Like About Orrick Question?


The what your favorite thing about Orrick question is a great question and here what some people said when I ask them=

Mr. Mace= the people.

Mrs. Wityk= the students.

Mr. Niemeyer= the students.

Mr. Moll= being able to teach and watch the kids grow, because if they join band in 5th grade then he'll have them for 8 years.

Mr. Giffin= the chicken tenders at Jaders.

Mr. Thacker= the beautiful weather.

Mr. Pierce= the students and the support from the community.

Mr. Kyle= its location just outside the city in a rural area.

Mrs. Bobby= the school.

Mr. Swagger= the interaction with students

As you can see I could have asked a lot more people like student but here are some staff liked thing about Orrick everyone has there favorite things about Orrick mine is the town itself and all the people. This is a very special town not just to me but everyone who lives here one day I hope my future kids have the same fun that I've had in this town.


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