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What is an Eating Disorder


There are several types of eating disorders. Though the general definition is unhealthy eating. Be it too little, or too much food. Bingeing is eating lots of food in one sitting. Typically up to tens of thousands calories. Whereas purging is going without food for long stretches of time. This is commonly skipping meals, though some may eat, then throw up the food they ate. A person who frequently throws up the food that they ate is known as Bulimic. This is because they have an internalized fear of being fat. Despite what the mirror shows, or what others may tell them.

On the other side of the eating disorder spectrum, is BED ( binge eating disorder ) like I mentioned earlier, this is meaning that someone eats a lot of food in one sitting. Most sides of the spectrum are done in private. Those with the BED suffer from a lack of control, and often will feel lost, with food being the only thing keeping them “safe.” People with binge eating disorders usually have very low self esteem, and will look in the mirror and be upset (sometimes leading to another binge.) However, those with BED rarely have a feeling of Purging.


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