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What to Expect: Day 1 Camp Bartle


When you first arrive, you are required to take, or attempt the swim test (unless you opt out) and a blue (swimmer) red (intermediate swimmer) or a white band (no swimmer) is placed on your wrist, and it is intended to stay there until the end of your 10 day session. Once you fully unpack, and get to know where you are, it is time to go to dinner. The first meal is fully prepared, meaning there is no kitchen patrol needed. A big welcoming and announcement of names is spoken for all to hear.

A little after dinner is opening campfire. Meaning that everyone in camp goes into the council ring to await the burning of a large fire. More songs are sung, and chants are taught to the campers. Rules are told to those new and to those returning home. Each campsite is given a special recognition. All of the 1st year campers are called down to sit near the campfire. This is where they hear their first tale of Mic O Say. From there they are drawn into a story of the beginnings of camp Bartle, and the beliefs and customs of the camp. Every year they tell the same rule. “There is no running on reservation, for a rock fallen upon hurts the same as a rock thrown.”

As the campfire comes to an end, so does the opening. The Mic O Say members are invited to the inner circle to sing a song of tradition. Lastly the tribesmen help escort the campers back to their campsites through the trail of painted rocks. Through the night the new campers are puzzled and intrigued by the decorations the tribesmen wore.


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