Dalton you where an amazing guy, you where incredible at sports, you where so fun to watch on the court and on the field because you where such an athlete and had such a great built in coach, not only where you my friend but you where one heck of a coach! You taught me how to use blocks, you taught me to love the sport of track, and if it wasn't for you i wouldn't be a hurdler, you taught me the basics of hurdling at a richmond meet in jr high, i caught an interest and from then on out i was your competition, even tho you where alway a couple hurdles ahead of me i felt awesome being able to run against you, but little did i know that after that year i would never be able to run against you again do to you taking your own life, i will never understand why, im not sure anyone will truly understand but the last couple months iv been able to spend a lot of time with your dad, and i feel closer to now than i have in the last year and ½. I still hangout with all the “bois” but the group chats aren't the same without you. I think everyone should have had the chance to meet you! I love you Dalton Lee.
Happy Birthday Bub!